Home of Whispering Winds Wholistic Animal Sanctuary
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Natural Fly & Blood Sucking Insect Control
for Large Animals
- Description
- Ingredients
- Buy Fly Free
- Directions For Use
- Natural Pest Prevention
- What About The Garlic?
- Testimonials
Fly Free Food Supplement for Large Animals ~ is an all natural effective fly, flea, mosquito, mite, lice, gnats, and other blood sucking insect control remedy for large animals - horses, goats, cattle, hogs, and pets such as dogs and cats. Fly Free is an all natural way to repel flies, fleas, and mites without using dangerous traditional flea and mites preventative poisons. Fly Free will NOT harm you, your animals, or pets, or the environment.
Natural Fly Free Food Supplement contains over 200 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. It is excellent for young foals, horses, calves, cows, piglets, hogs, dogs, cats, and animals as soon as they start drinking on their own. It is beneficial to the health of pregnant, nursing, breeding, and senior animals and pets since it is an excellent natural health supplement for the immune system of all animals.
This natural Fly Free supplement is added to your horse, goat, cow, dog, cat, or other animals food or water and goes to work internally in the blood stream and emits an enzyme which shields the protein the female fleas need to lay eggs. Not sensing a protein, she will jump off the pet and search for another blood meal because if she doesn't draw blood every 20 to 22 hours she will die. Males never bite.
Used as directed, Fly Free Food Supplement works to control fleas and keep other blood feeding insects from biting. As a health food supplement, Fly Free can be used year round in your pet's daily diet. It helps maintain a moist, soft skin and a luxurious thick coat. Prevents dry and itchy skin during the winter months and of course helps prevent itching and scratching in spring, summer, and fall months as it keeps fleas, mites, and other insects away.
Fly Free works on ALL blood-feeding insects: biting flies, fleas, lice, mites, mosquitoes, and gnats.
How does Fly Free work? Garlic is a detoxifier which goes to work internally in the blood. As it passes through the system, cleansing impurities in the blood, it emits an enzyme which shields the protein the female needs in order to lay eggs. The vinegar and other herbs contained in the liquid prevent it from going through the digestive tract, but direct it straight into the blood stream where fleas, mosquitoes, biting flies, and other insects feed.
If you love your pets, don't give them poisons or unnecessary chemicals such as Frontline, Advantage, Revolution, K9 Advantix, etc. You wouldn't give them to your children, so why give them to your other family members?
How long does Fly Free take to work? Depending on your pet's weight, metabolism, and infestation, along with the overall health of the animal, Fly Free can take as little as three days or as long as 4 weeks. The average length of time is 6 to 10 days. White animals take longest.
Does Fly Free really work? Many people swear that Fly Free is the ONLY thing they have found to work on ALL pets.
Can you use Fly Free with other vitamins and supplements? Absolutely! Fly Free can only enhance your pet's health and well being. Fly Free is safe and beneficial for ALL animals.
Is Fly Free safe?
Fly Free is all natural. It is a whole food item that does NOT contain chemicals, preservatives, artificial colorings, or flavorings. It is simply garlic, vinegar, citrus, and herbs essential for good health. One of the most frequently asked questions we get about Flea Free is about the use of garlic in the product. The internet is full of horror stories about the "toxicity" of garlic to pets. Please visit our "IS GARLIC SAFE FOR PETS?" webpage for information regarding the safe use of garlic.
Fly Free's Natural Ingredients are:
- Sterile Water
- Vinegar ~ is a natural storehouse of vitamins (including beta carotene), minerals, amino acids and beneficial enzymes which contains over 90 different components. It's effective in treating gas in small puppies, helps prevent urinary tract problems in male cats and the formation of mineral stones, and also helps in dissolving hairballs. It has been said to lengthen life, improve hearing, vision, calm nausea. It can also help relieve arthritis, sore muscles, and pain, osteoporosis, prevent cancer, kill infections, condition the skin, aid digestion, control weight, preserve memory, and protect the mind and body from aging as it helps prevent aging and breakdown of joints, bones, and cartilage in the body. Vinegar contains over 30 important nutrients and a dozen minerals and improves overall health.
- Garlic ~ is called "nature's antibiotic". Cleanses the liver to break down toxins in the blood. Garlic contains over 200 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. It is very healthy and also repels fleas, most mosquitoes, lice, mites, and flies. Garlic helps maintain a healthy heart and is excellent for the skin and fur.
- Citrus and herbs ~ are beneficial in supplying vitamin C, providing complex carbohydrates, and anti-oxidants. They also reduce free radical damage to tissue and organ systems. The herbs used are the ones found in your own kitchen cabinet, such as ginger. These herbs, along with the vinegar, help with digesting the Fly Free. They make sure that the Fly Free gets into your pet or large animals system so that it can work.
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FLY FREE FOOD SUPPLEMENT ~ cannot be overdosed, but it is not necessary to give more than the recommended daily amount.
Directions for Use: Small Animals: SHAKE WELL. Mix 1 Tablespoon of Fly-Free to 2 Quarts of pet's drinking water. Or add 1 Teaspoon into the food. You can pre-mix the formula and add to small caged pet water bottles. You can also use from a few drops to 1 tsp. daily in pet's food (judge by pet size). It will not hurt to use it in both water and food. Use each time you give your pets fresh water. Can premix (2 Tablespoons per gallon of water). Keep in a cool place out of the heat, room temperature or refrigeration is fine. Can be used on all pets and birds. Safe for pregnant and nursing pets.
Large Animals: SHAKE WELL. Mix 1 part of Fly-Free to 3 parts water and add to horse or livestock feed. Use 1/2 cup mixture per day. Can feed 1/4 cup twice a day or all at once. Add to oats, hay, mixed feed or drinking water. Can be given to all horses, foals, livestock, and zoo animals. Safe for pregnant and nursing animals.
More Natural Flea, Mite, Fly, and Other Insect Preventatives and treatments:
- Flea Free Food Supplement
- Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth for Mites & Morgellons
- Fly Free Food Supplement
- Garl-or3 Yard & Garden Spray spray in your yard, gardens, kennels, barns, etc. and watch the fleas, flies, mosquitoes, aphids, and other insects disappear!
- Herbal Fly Spray with Aloe
- Natural Heartworm Preventative
- Mange-Parasite Oil
- Nature's Way Insect Spray for People & Pets
- Pet Scents Herbal Pet Shampoo
- 10 Million Scanmask Spray Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema feltiae) Garden Pack
OR 25 Million Live Beneficial Nematodes Sc - Flea and Fly Exterminator
OR 50 Million Ecomask Spray Flea Killing Beneficial Nematodes (Steinernema carpocapsae)
can be sprayed into your lawn, garden, and moist soil areas. Beneficial nematodes parasitize soil dwelling larvae, such as fleas, flies, grubs, etc. whereas all other flea/tick/fly control methods only control adult insects, they do not affect larvae/eggs. Beneficial nematodes are essential for complete elimination of many pesky insects as they stop the hatching egg cycle.
NOTE: You do not have to be a member of PayPal to use this FREE service.
*These statements have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or veterinarian. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader's independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child's, or your pet's health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.
Please use our drop down menus below OR scroll down for a listing of natural products and natural health information.
Clik Stik | Pet Essentials | Pet Medicine Bags |
Walk In Sync™ Harness & Get A Grip™ Leash |
The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or vet. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader's independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child's, or your pet's health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.
The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet, pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a physician or veterinarian with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your, your child's, or your pet's health condition.
The Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 requires us to state: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is not EPA registered to be used as a pesticide. We cannot ship Food Grade DE to Texas. Any shipments made to California are made with the understanding that it will not be used as a pesticide.
Amber Technology's Herbal Nutraceuticals for Pets Products are not registered with the state of Texas; therefore, we cannot ship these products to Texas.
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