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Redmond Natural Mineral Salt ~ is 100% pure salt drawn from underground mines. It is listed for use alongside organic production. It dissolves in the animal and human body and there's no salt product on the world market to compete with the condition of Redmond's Real Salt. Pure mined Rock Salt tastes better, it is free of chemicals, heating additives, aftertaste bitterness and pollutants. Stock prefer natural mineral salt and it is more economical because it lasts longer. It is the best natural trace mineral salt available for cows, sheep, horses, goats, and deer. Listed for use in organic production by Organic Materials Review Institute.
Redmond Natural Trace Mineral Salt is almost pure salt (95% sodium chloride), yet it provides livestock with many needed trace minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, copper, iodine, iron, phosphorous, manganese and zinc.
In ancient times, a great salt-saturated sea existed near Redmond, Utah. Water from the sea eventually evaporated, leaving a bed of rock salt where it lay undisturbed for thousands of years. At some point, during the earth's Jurassic era, a range of volcanos erupted around the ancient sea bed, sealing the salt with layers of thick volcanic ash, protecting these precious deposits against the pollution that man would eventually introduce into the environment. Redmond extracts this salt from deep within the earth and brings to us its pure, natural state-without any additives, chemicals, or heat processing. Redmond Natural Trace Mineral Salt is "Real Salt", full of flavor, natural goodness, and minerals.
Many sea salts appear stark white because they have undergone a harsh refining process. Unlike Redmond Natural Salt, these salts are filled with silicates, dextrose, calcium silicate or sodium silicoaluminate, potassium iodide, and other additives. By contrast, Redmond Natural Salt is an all-natural, kosher-certified sea salt that is extracted from deep within the earth, crushed, screened, and packaged. Redmond's unique flecks of color are the result of more than 50 natural trace minerals essential to the body.
Normal salt begins as a saline solution. Then after processing and kiln drying at temperatures of 350-400 degrees, its natural state is changed and nearly all trace minerals are lost. Chemicals are then used to bleach the salt, prevent caking and make it free flowing.
Redmond Natural Trace Mineral Salt tastes terrific. We put our Redmond Natural TMS in a shaker jar and use in cooking and on food. Please NOTE: The Redmond Natural Trace Mineral Salt that we carry is labeled for use with LIVESTOCK. Redmond does have human grade, more refined natural salt made specifically for household kitchen use, such as their kosher salt, which is a finer mesh than the livestock salt. Many people put Redmond TMS in their pets water bowls to give their bodies needed salt. We feed Redmond Natural Trace Mineral Salt free choice to our livestock and mix it in their daily herb, grain, and seed mix.
Sodium is crucial for maintaining the health of every cell in the body. It permeates the fluid between cells (often called the "extracellular fluid") and potassium exists mainly on the inside of the cells (in the "intracellular fluid")...If either of these minerals is deficient or in excess, cell permeability becomes compromised and the health of all the cells suffers.
Besides being a component of extracellular fluid that bathes every living cell, sodium is important in two other 'salty oceans' in the body - the blood and lymphatic fluid. It is also necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid, the digestive enzyme secreted by the stomach in order to digest protein. Along with potassium, sodium is required for the proper functioning of our nerves and the contraction of our muscles.
Each of us contain from four to eight ounces of salt. Salt helps maintain the normal volume of blood in the body and helps keep the correct balance of water in and around the cells and tissues. It is also necessary for the formation and proper function of nerve fibers, which carry impulses to and from the brain, and plays an important part in the digestion of food and is essential in making the heart beat correctly.
The sodium found in salt is an essential nutrient. Sodium, together with calcium, magnesium, and potassium, helps regular the body's metabolism. In combination with potassium, it regulates the acid-alkaline balance in the blood and is also necessary for proper muscle functioning. If we don't get enough sodium chloride, we experience muscle cramps, dizziness, exhaustion, and in extreme cases, convulsions and death. Salt is essential for our well being just as it is for our animals.
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#10 Fine: goes through a 10-mesh screen. It is approximately 1/16th of an inch, it is like coarse sand.
U.S. Orders Only
REDMOND Natural TMS 50 lb. Bag FINE US Orders Only - $54.99 - Free Shipping
Ingredients: Crushed Ancient Sea Salt with natural trace minerals.
Feeding Directions: Cows, horses, sheep, and goats: May be fed free choice and/or mixed with other rations according to nutritionist or veterinarian recommendations. Swine and poultry: Mix with other rations according to nutritionist or veterinarian recommendations. Provide plenty of fresh clean water at all times.
Calcium | 0.85% Max - 0.35% Min |
Phosphorous | 0.02% Min |
Salt | 96.0% Max - 91.0% Min |
Magnesium | 0.06% Min |
Potassium | 0.03% Min |
Sulfur | 0.07% Min |
Maganese | 5 ppm Min |
Zinc | 3 ppm Min |
Iron | 300 ppm Min |
Copper | 6 ppm Min |
Iodine | 10 ppm Min |
Also contains over 50 natural minerals including the following in alphabetical order:
Aluminum | 215 ppm | Nickel | 0.07 ppm |
Antimony | 1.08 ppm | Niobium | 0.11 ppm |
Arsenic | 0.05 ppm | Praseodymium | 0.11 ppm |
Barium | 9.95 ppm | Rubidium | 3.77 ppm |
Bismuth | 0.38 ppm | Ruthenium | 0.07 ppm |
Boron | 1.07 ppm | Samarium | 1.44 ppm |
Bromine | 10.51 ppm | Scandium | 0.18 ppm |
Cadmium | 0.27 ppm | Selenium | 0.23 ppm |
Carbon | 204 ppm | Silicon | 3000 ppm |
Cerium | .76 ppm | Silver | 0.29 ppm |
Chromium | 0.16 ppm | Strontium | 11.9 ppm |
Cobalt | 0.08 ppm | Tantalum | 0.97 ppm |
Dysporsium | 0.21 ppm | Tellurium | 0.17 ppm |
Erbium | 1.34 ppm | Thallium | 0.09 ppm |
Fluoride | 13.8 ppm | Thorium | 0.19 ppm |
Gadolinium | 0.61 ppm | Thulium | 0.07 ppm |
Gallium | 2.36 ppm | Tin | 0.12 ppm |
Germanium | 0.27 ppm | Titanium | 0.93 ppm |
Indium | 0.37 ppm | Tungsten | 0.11 ppm |
Lanthanum | 0.08 ppm | Vanadium | 0.18 ppm |
Lead | 0.06 ppm | Ytterbium | 0.07 ppm |
Lithium | 0.74 ppm | Yttrium | 0.04 ppm |
Molybdenum | 0.08 ppm | Zirconium | 2.95 ppm |
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*These statements have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or veterinarian. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader's independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child's, or your pet's health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.
Please use our drop down menus below OR scroll down for a listing of natural products and natural health information.
Clik Stik | Pet Essentials | Pet Medicine Bags |
Walk In Sync™ Harness & Get A Grip™ Leash |
The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or vet. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader's independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child's, or your pet's health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.
The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet, pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a physician or veterinarian with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your, your child's, or your pet's health condition.
The Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 requires us to state: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is not EPA registered to be used as a pesticide. We cannot ship Food Grade DE to Texas. Any shipments made to California are made with the understanding that it will not be used as a pesticide.
Amber Technology's Herbal Nutraceuticals for Pets Products are not registered with the state of Texas; therefore, we cannot ship these products to Texas.
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