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Parvaid is excellent to prevent parvo and treat the parvo virus.  Buy Parvaid before you need it!Buy Parvaid & Vibactra Plus for natural effective parvo prevention & parvo treatment!  Buy Parvaid now for happy healthy puppies!

PARVAID est un nutraceutical de fines herbes organique certifié tout normal qui aide beaucoup de chiots à surmonter la maladie virale canine mortelle de Parvo, aka "Parvo".

Le succés a été rapporté avec d'autres maux semblables tels que le virus, la maladie, le vomissement, la diarrhée, l'e-coli, le giardia, et la colique de corona. Parvaid est le plus employé souvent pour traiter des chiots ou des chiens, mais a également le grand succès aider à guérir des ratons laveurs avec le parvo.

Parvaid est conçu pour aider votre animal familier à surmonter:

Problèmes gastro-intestinaux généraux et non spécifiques

  • Vomissement
  • Diarrhée
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Diarrhée sanglante
  • Perte d'appétit
  • Léthargie
  • Bâtiment du systéme immunitaire
  • Malaise
  • Fièvre
  • Déshydratation
  • Bas compte de globule sanguin blanc
  • Tonifying aux tissus
  • Haute en vitamine C normale et d'autres antioxydants importants pour combattre au loin des situations aiguës de santé.
  • Spécialement curatif et apaisant au système digestif et aux muqueuses.
  • Vomissement et diarrhée provoqués par des changements d'environnement.
  • Vomissement et diarrhée provoqués par des changements de régime.
  • Malaise de voyage de facilité.
  • Enflez
  • Gaz
  • Utilisant Parvaid

    Parvaid est un reméde de fines herbes organique normal qui peut travailler aux infections microbiennes de la région intestinale. Parvaid peut être utile dans du vomissement et la diarrhée de soulagement chez les animaux, particulièrement dans les cas où la canine a contracté le virus de Parvo. Parvaid peut également aider à amplifier le système immunitaire du chien et à apaiser la région digestive. Parvaid a les propriétés antivirales douces pour aider un chiot de parvo à surmonter le virus canin de parvo.

    Parvaid est une combinaison des herbes organiques certifiées dans une base d'alcool. Une bouteille de Parvaid traitera approximativement 2 ou 3 chiots moyens de parvo. Parvaid a une durée de conservation de 4 ans (plus longtemps si maintenu frais).


    Poids animal
    au-dessous de 3 livres.
    2 gouttes
    3 à 10 livres.
    5 gouttes
    11 to 20 lbs.
    10 drops
    21 to 149 lbs.
    15 drops
    150 to 249 lbs.
    20 drops or 1 cc/ml
    250 to 300 lbs.
    25 drops or 1/4 tsp.
    301 to 400 lbs.
    30 drops
    401 to 500 lbs.
    35 drops
    501 to 600 lbs.
    40 drops or 2 cc/ml
    601 to 700 lbs.
    45 drops
    701 to 800 lbs.
    50 drops or 1/2 tsp.
    801 to 900 lbs.
    55 drops
    901 to 1000 lbs.
    60 drops or 3 cc/ml
    1001 lbs. and up
    **See below**

    General Use: Give orally 3 to 4 times daily.

    Suggested Use for Treating Parvo:

    Select proper dosage of Parvaid and electrolyte fluid (such as Pedialyte) from the chart above. Administer this dose directly in the puppy's mouth every 15 minutes for the first hour.

    Remaining doses:

    Continue giving the same quantity of Parvaid as first dose with the corresponding quantity of water or Pedialyte/electrolyte fluid. Place the Parvaid water or Pedialyte/electrolyte fluid mixture directly into the puppy's mouth every hour on the hour, until the puppy is eating and consuming fluids on its own and able to hold food down for 6 hours. Then dose just the oral drops of Parvaid (based on the puppy's weight per the chart above), 4x/day for 2 additional days to help prevent the puppy from relapsing.

    Suggestion for just chemically wormed or vaccinated puppies:

    Puppies who were vaccinated and/or chemically wormed within 14 days of coming down with parvo benefit from giving the Vaccination & Wormer Detox to help flush the toxins from the chemical wormer and/or vaccinations out of their bodies.

    Suggested Preventative Use:

    Parvaid can be used prophylactically to prevent parvovirus. Dose with just the oral drops of Parvaid per the chart above, to puppies who have been exposed to the parvo virus. Dose orally 4x/day for 5 days to ALL puppies who have been exposed to the parvo virus and are not currently exhibiting any symptoms of parvo to help prevent them from coming down with parvo AND dose orally 2x/day for 5 days with Vibactra Plus. Dosed prophylactically as soon as you know your puppy has been exposed to the parvovirus these natural remedies help prevent MAJORITY of exposed puppies from exhibiting any parvo virus symptoms. If a puppy starts to exhibit symptoms of parvo, then begin immediate treatment per the information above.

    If there are other dogs that have had Parvo on the premises recently, continue preventative treatment with Parvaid once a day for 6 weeks (parvo puppies shed the virus for 6 weeks). Do a thorough cleaning then discontinue use.

    When you bring your dog onto Parvo exposed property, wait 2 days. Then give Parvaid 4 times a day for 5 days to help prevent your puppy from coming down with parvo. It is best to give Vibactra Plus twice a day for 5 days in conjunction with Parvaid.

    Suggested Veterinarian Use:

    If puppy is on IV fluid give 4 times the recommended dose of Parvaid orally every 4 hours. Do not follow with fluid (some fluid to wash down the flavor is OK). Give full amount of IV fluid. Give the Vibactra Plus 4 times a day (only 2 times/day if giving other antibiotics).


    Reduce the drip by half and give half the amount of Pedialyte with the hourly dose of Parvaid (single dose). Give the Vibactra Plus 4 times a day (2 times if giving other antibiotics).

    If puppy is on Sub Q fluid reduce the Sub Q by half and give half the amount of Pedialyte with the hourly dose of Parvaid (single dose). Give the Vibactra Plus 4 times a day (2 times if giving other antibiotics).

    Success has been reported when using Parvaid in conjunction with vet hospital treatment. Even when the vet was previously recommending euthanizing a parvo puppy after numerous days on IV's with no improvement. Parvaid has helped most of these parvo puppies treated in the vet hospital start eating within 12-24 hours of oral Parvaid dosing. 

    If your canine has the F-Strain Parvo Virus or if you are giving it PARVAID and it seems to get better then has a relapse, take immediate action Do NOT Delay.

    To treat the F-Strain Parvo Virus you must first recognize the symptoms. They are:

    1.  Stools have a gelatin like appearance with little or no blood.
    2.  Vomiting is frothy bile.
    3.  There are massive amounts of fluid loss. Getting thinner in a short period of time.
    4.  Your animal is lethargic.
    5.  Testing positive for Parvo.

    The F-Strain is more deadly than the other type of Parvo and needs to be treated more aggressively. From the time symptoms appear to the time of death can be as little as six hours. Fluids and electrolytes must be given to offset what the dog is losing.

    If you suspect your dog has the F-Strain and would like to use our treatment plan you must do the following steps.

    1.  Get a test from the veterinarian to be sure it is Parvo.
    2.  Have the vet give your dog a penicillin shot or better yet, use Vibactra Plus per instructions.
    3.  Give the dog Parvaid according to instructions until the dog wants to eat.
    4.  If the dog has a relapse after eating food you must stop feeding it and give it an enema following these steps.
    5.  For a puppy or small dog use a syringe. For a medium to large dog use an infant enema bottle. Lube the tip with KY jelly or Vaseline.
    6.  Fill the syringe/bottle with Pedialyte and Parvaid drops according to size.

    Size Pedialyte/Water PARVAID
    Under 3 lbs. 1 tsp. 2 drops
    4 - 10 lbs. 2 tsp. 5 drops
    11 - 20 lbs. 1 tbsp. 10 drops
    21 - 30 lbs. 2 tbsp. 15 drops
    31 - 40 lbs. 3 tbsp. 15 drops
    41 to 50lbs. 4 tbsp. 15 drops
    51 to 60 lbs. 5 tbsp. 15 drops
    61 to 70 lbs. 6 tbsp. 15 drops
    71 to 80 lbs. 7 tbsp. 15 drops
    Over 80 lbs. 8 tbsp. 15 drops

    7.  Place the dog in the tub and administer the solution SLOWLY.
    8.  Hold the buttocks together for at least two minutes.
    9.  Release the buttocks and let the water out.

    There may or may not be much water released from the dog. The colon may absorb all of it so don't worry if it does. You may have to repeat this in another two hours if there is not much improvement.

    As with any gastro-intestinal disease first foods should be bland and easy to digest. We suggest you start with bouillon first then go to baby food, such as rice and lamb or rice and beef.

    Although there is no guarantee that your dog will survive, if you follow these steps it will have a better chance.

    How many bottles of Parvaid will you need to treat an active parvo infection?

    Supplement Fact Chart
    Serving Size - See Chart Below
    Pet Weight Parvaid Servings Per 1 oz. Bottle # of Pet's Treated
    Under 3 lbs. 2 drops < 540 11.3
    3-10 lbs. 5 drops 216 4.5
    11-20 lbs. 10 drops 108 2.3
    21-150 lbs.< 15 drops 72 1.5
    151-250 lbs. 20 drops 54< 1.1

    Chart is based on a 2 day, 24 times daily treatment plan.

    For bigger animals: Over 250 lbs add 5 drops to every 100 lbs of body weight.

    How many bottles of Parvaid will you need to treat preventatively 4 times daily for 5 days?

    Supplement Fact Chart
    Serving Size - See Chart Below
    Dog Weight Parvaid Servings Per 1 oz. Bottle # of Dog's Treated
    Under 3 lbs. 2 drops 540 27<
    3-10 lbs. 5 drops 216 10.8
    11-20 lbs. 10 drops 108 5.4
    21-150 lbs. 15 drops 72 3.6
    151-250 lbs. 20 drops 54 2.8
    251-300 lbs. 25 drops 43 2.2

    Chart is based on a 10 day, 4 times daily treatment plan.

    Tinctures are denoted at 1:4 each having 17% alcohol using organic herbs.

    Parvaid other uses:

  • Parvaid helps build the immune system (especially good for puppies who are weaning from their mother). In this situation you can give Parvaid once a day. **We use it when bottle feeding goat kids, 10 to 15 drops in each bottle feeding prevents any upset tummies, bloating, or scouring.
  • Parvaid can help stop vomiting and diarrhea associated with environment changes.
  • Parvaid can stop vomiting and diarrhea caused by changes in diet.
  • Parvaid can help stop bloody diarrhea.
  • Parvaid can help increase white blood cell count which helps prevent the need for blood or plasma transfusions.
  • Parvaid can help ease fever.
  • Parvaid combined with Pedialyte or electrolyte fluid can help prevent dehydration.
  • Parvaid can ease travel discomfort.
  • Parvaid can alleviate gas and gas bloat/colic.
  • Parvaid can help increase appetite.
  • In some cases, Parvaid can help bad breath.
  • Parvaid is excellent for baby animals that fail to thrive - puppies, kids, foals, etc.
  • Aid in uncomfortablility of symptoms of Giardia and Coccidia, along with Vibactra Plus.

    Parvaid is excellent to use for any intestinal distress, though it will NOT heal impaction colic or bloat, though Parvaid is great for gas bloat or colic. Otherwise, Parvaid works great for people, horses, dogs, raccoons, birds, ferrets, elephants, and all other animals EXCEPT kitty cats.

    This formula can also be used as a preventative to stimulate and support the immune system when a dog may have been exposed to any health threatening condition (rather like an all natural & (herbal immunization).

    According to studies, nine times out of ten, if Parvaid is given early enough (before symptoms start) your puppy may not come down with the illness. Parvaid has an 85% success rate. It takes an average of 2 days to overcome the illness once the puppy is started on the Parvaid. There have been no reported health problems with a puppy that has had Parvo and taken Parvaid.

    The herbs in this formula are known to help:

  • Soothe and heal the digestive system
  • Stimulate Appetite
  • Calm the nervous system
  • Soothe stomach pain
  • Gentle sedative
  • Tissue healing
  • Lubricate, soothe, and protect internal mucous membranes
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Stimulate immune system
  • Raise white blood cell levels
  • Heal the gall bladder and kidneys
  • Has Antioxidants
  • Antimicrobial; kills viruses and bacteria

    Parvaid'sCertified Organic Ingredients:

    · Peppermint – Antimicrobial, antispasmodic - aids digestion and alleviates vomiting, expels intestinal gas, carminative, anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties. Common uses: Intestinal colic, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness.
    · Spearmint
    - Antiemetic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, restorative, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. Useful for fevers, bronchitis, chills, cramps, chronic gastritis, common cold, headaches, indigestion, morning sickness, motion sickness, nasal congestion, nausea, halitosis, etc.
    · Chamomile - Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expels intestinal gas, sedative, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antibacterial, nervine (calms nerves), carminative, analgesic, mild wormer.
    · Plantain - Antidiarrheal, mucilanginous properties very similar to slippery elm, anti-inflammatory, stimulates the immune system. Lubricates, soothes, and protects internal mucous membranes, emollient, astringent, stops bleeding. Soothes inflamed tissues in the intestinal tract.
    · Echinacea - Builds the immune system, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, etc.
    · Berberis Aquifolium aka Oregon Grape - An antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tonic, antiparasitic. Strongest affinities: liver and digestive system, mucous membranes
    · Rose hips
    - Antimicrobial, antispasmodic, combats stress, astringent, nutritive, and full of vitamin C and bioflavinoids
    · Yarrow - Used for hemorrhaging, internal and external bleeding, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, carminative, and antispasmodic.
    · - Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, digestive aid, stimulates the immune system, antioxidant, nutritive, tonic, great for ailments of the circulatory, urinary, respiratory, and digestive tract.
    Hydrastis Canadensis aka Goldenseal- Antimicrobial, improves appetite, tonic, antiparasitic, stimulates production of bile which assists digestion, especially good for gastric disturbances, cases of painful digestion, and bleeding.
    · Hibiscus Flowers - Antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive aid - helps with nausea.
    · Alcohol - Brings out the properties in the herbs and preserves the tincture.
    · Distilled Water

    Research Supporting the herbs in Parvaid:

  • University of Maryland Medical Center - Peppermint
  • American Botanical Council - Spearmint
  • The Herb Research Foundation - Echinacea
  • Drug Digest - Rosehips
  • Vitacost.com - Yarrow
  • Berberif Aquifolium - aka Oregon Grape Root
  • Plants for a Future - Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis

    For more information click on one of the following links: Healing Parvo at Home Experience & Information or Healing Parvo with Parvaid

    To buy Parvaid at a retail store near you, click HERE

    Parvaid and Vibactra Plus are natural organic effective parvo treatment and prevention products.  Buy these excellent parvo treatment remedies today!

    CAUTIONS: This product contains Hydrastis. It is NOT recommended for PREGNANT animals. Do NOT give to cats. Do NOT give to animals with an existing pancreas or liver problem. Do NOT use on animals that have a sensitivity to ragweed.

    This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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    The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or vet. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader's independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child's, or your pet's health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.

    The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your vet, pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a physician or veterinarian with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your, your child's, or your pet's health condition.

    The Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 requires us to state: "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."

    Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is not EPA registered to be used as a pesticide. We cannot ship Food Grade DE to Texas. Any shipments made to California are made with the understanding that it will not be used as a pesticide.

    Amber Technology's Herbal Nutraceuticals for Pets Products are not registered with the state of Texas; therefore, we cannot ship these products to Texas.


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